The idea of making an adoption plan when you are dealing with an unintended pregnancy is more common than one would think. The question of adoption will usually pass through one’s mind, even if it isn’t even verbalized. Fear of the unknown surrounding adoption usually...
The prominence of transracial adoption has grown exponentially in the last 10-15 years. There are many opinions on this subject, as you can well imagine. But the issue of color in adoption conversations is one that needs careful consideration when it comes to talking...
Being in the adoption space for over a decade has taught me a lot about the adoption conversation dynamics in PRCs. Most can agree that the number of women who end up parenting in an unexpected pregnancy versus women making an adoption plan is well in the majority. It...
By Guest Blogger Brandy Meeks– Former Pregnancy Center Director, Current Vice President of Operations with ProLove Ministries and And Then There Were None I am so blessed to know many of you by name. To my colleagues working in pregnancy centers in...
By Leah Outten Exactly seventeen years ago I was the young pregnant mom with a distinct watermelon shaped belly in the seat across from a case worker. I was seven months along and had spent my entire pregnancy painstakingly and thoughtfully weighing my options in...
I’ve been an Adoption Professional for many years in various roles within the Adoption Community. By God’s grace, I’ve been able to play a small role in bringing families together through the gift of adoption. As a Birthmother Advocate, I’ve walked beside countless...