What Are Realistic Expectations For A Birth Mother In Open Adoption

I wish there was a book to prepare an expectant mom for the journey if she is considering placing her child for adoption. What are the realistic expectations for a birth mother, especially in open adoption? Is there a way to prepare oneself properly for what is to...

We Do Not Give Up For Adoption We Plan For Better

When I was pregnant with the baby I was planning to give up for adoption, I struggled with the idea of her being disconnected from me. What I mean by that is, I didn’t know what to do with all this information about me and how I would be able to share it with her. I...

Why Would Someone Chose To Make An Adoption Plan?

The reasons why any woman would choose to make an adoption plan for their unborn child vary. There really is no classic scenario, no matter what the movies and TV have to say. This is Rachel. Her story is as unique as her.   “Hi, my name is Rachel, and I’m a...

Why My Child Doesn’t Hate Me For Placing Her For Adoption

The morning I held my daughter for the last time in the hospital I sat there staring, tears streaming down, into my lap to see my 3 day-old baby girl sweetly sleeping, swaddled in a hospital blanket completely unaware of what would take place in just minutes. Today...

The Baby Scoop Era Still Echos in Unethical Adoption Practices

The era known forever in American adoption history as The Baby Scoop Era reminds us of a time when Birthmothers were neither cared for nor acknowledged in what was always a closed adoption. Normal adoption practices then included the new mother never meeting her child...

Being Intentional About Making An Adoption Plan

The idea of making an adoption plan when you are dealing with an unintended pregnancy is more common than one would think. The question of adoption will usually pass through one’s mind, even if it isn’t even verbalized. Fear of the unknown surrounding adoption usually...