
It’s so easy to get distracted and to lose touch with your WHY.  It’s easy to drift.    I’m a water person. I love the water and I love watching boats. Living on the coast, I have had the privilege of experiencing the art of boating.  One of the most important...

What Happens if I Change my Mind About Giving my Baby Up for Adoption?

For women considering placing their child for adoption, this may be a common question that comes to mind but often an unspoken and uneasy one. That seems a little unfair, right? To have an honest and sincere question in mind but no safe place to discuss it. Why is...

Are You Thinking About Adoption in Florida?

If you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and thinking about adoption in Florida, we’re so glad you’re here! After 10 years of serving expectant mothers through adoption resources in Georgia and Alabama, we’re excited to now be serving Florida as well! We...

What is a Home Study?

If you and your partner have looked into adoption, chances are you have seen the phrase “home study” come up. So what is a home study? Is it really that important? The answer to the first question will be answered over the course of this blog. The answer to the second...

A Guide To Understanding Infant Adoption In 2020

If you have found yourself here, then you may have just recently discovered you are pregnant and you are considering giving baby up for adoption or seeking out your pregnancy options. Adoption could be something you’re looking at or maybe this is the first time you...