Sep 12, 2023
When an expectant mom wants to make an adoption plan, she has a few choices as to how she would like to go about it. The Internet is full of advice about how best to go about nearly anything, and making an adoption plan is no exception. Expectant moms who want to make...
Aug 4, 2023
Not every decision that involves putting the baby up for adoption is as straightforward as it seems. Many of the women who consider adoption for their unborn child are mothers to other children already. This makes the decision a little more complicated because it...
Jul 10, 2023
I wish there was a book to prepare an expectant mom for the journey if she is considering placing her child for adoption. What are the realistic expectations for a birth mother, especially in open adoption? Is there a way to prepare oneself properly for what is to...
Jun 6, 2023
When I was pregnant with the baby I was planning to give up for adoption, I struggled with the idea of her being disconnected from me. What I mean by that is, I didn’t know what to do with all this information about me and how I would be able to share it with her. I...
May 16, 2023
The reasons why any woman would choose to make an adoption plan for their unborn child vary. There really is no classic scenario, no matter what the movies and TV have to say. This is Rachel. Her story is as unique as her. “Hi, my name is Rachel, and I’m a...