As an Adoption Attorney licensed in Georgia, Carrie has focused solely on Adoption Law for over 17 years. Carrie is the Founder and Executive Director Abiding Love Adoption Agency and Abiding Love Charities. Abiding Love Adoptions is licensed in three states: Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. Abiding Love Charities is nationwide.
She started Abiding Love Adoption Agency because as an Attorney she saw that Adoption was becoming more and more transactional. The primary focus was on the Adoptive Parents and not the Expectant Mother. Carrie wanted an agency that focused solely on empowering Expectant Mothers to either parent or place for Adoption without the pressure of matching mothers with Prospective Adoptive Parents. As Carrie saw a need to focus on Expectant Mothers within Adoptions, she also saw a need for Post Placement Care. Because Abiding Love Adoption Agency is Expectant Mother and Birth Mother focused, Post Placement care for Birth Mothers was of utmost importance. Unfortunately, other agencies were not providing the same care. Carrie wanted to provide the same post placement care to all Birth Mothers, no matter where, when or with what organization she placed. Likewise, Carrie saw that Adoption Agencies were not providing support for Adoptive Parents and Adoptees. Abiding Love Charities was launched in 2020 to support all members of the Adoption Triad for post placement care.