Being a Birth Mother who works for an adoption agency is an interesting experience. The situation involving why I am working for an agency is unique. I never expected this. But here I am, walking women through the process of making an adoption plan, and at times,...
Many women think that placing a baby for adoption is giving a baby away. That mindset comes from the idea that all adoptions are closed. But the research concerning open adoption is overwhelmingly in favor of it for the best interests of everyone involved. So, since...
February is Black History Month, as we all should know. This month is about celebrating Black Americans in U.S. history and how well they have contributed to our society as a whole. When I was growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, the only Black Americans I remember being...
When an Expectant Mom makes an adoption plan, it involves a lot of consideration. No one goes into this lightly. There can be a lot of reasons why an Expectant Mom would make an adoption plan. The scenarios behind why they choose adoption varies greatly, contrary to...
One of the biggest questions that come up for women making an adoption plan is what to do about the holidays after you place a child for adoption. When you place a child for adoption, everything changes. The things you thought you’d do when you became a mom become...